Let's co-create!
From this point you will be eatmosphere brainsteamed. Reading
further will seriously benefit our world! We are a small nonprofit and nonstandard team having a huge social, ethical and ecological impact.
On the one hand we recover unsold, discarded mostly perfectly fresh food and donate it to organisations who are helping people in need. On the other hand we create awareness around food waste and our food system by highlighting the saviors of no-waste cooking in funky ways, by telling the stories from local seasonal farmers and by co-creating with sustainable masterchefs. eatmosphere was created in 2015 by Steven Desair.
Take a look at our different concepts hereunder and feel some Eatmosphere. True love goes through the stomach and through working together!
Clients & partners
Atelier Groot Eiland, aub-svp, Beerfood, Bloomit, Boeren & Buren, Bond Beter Leefmilieu, Bosschele, Brussels Beer Project, Co-oking, Colruyt, Compass, Damien Brunet, De Noordzee, Dierendonck, Ecover, Ecoprins, EY, EquinoxLightPhotography, Färm, Foodlab Proef, Foodwaste RSL, Foodwin, Forest To Plate, Fruitcollect, gaëlle gaëlle, Garden Gourmet, Geert De Taeye Photographer, Generous, Good Food, Great ,Horeca Vlaanderen, Impact vzw, Ingredients du Monde, Jonas & Laurence Haegeman, Kevin Storms, Klimaatmandaat, Klimaatzaak, Laurens Snykers, Le Parfait, Lies Engelen Photography, Lokaal, Maarten Van Essche, Mi Joya, Mofelito Paperito, Mist, Nicolas Decloedt, NorthSeaChefs, Or Coffee, Parckfarm, Permafungi, Pieter-Jan Lint, Puratos, Radu Illiescu, Refresh, Roularta, Sang Hoon Degeimbre, Sebastian Sandor, Seizoensmaak, Studio Marsel Stoopen, Terre de Rêves, Too Good To Go, Vandemoortele, VDAB, Vilhjalmur Sigurdarson, VGC, Vlaanderen Circulair, VUB, Wageningen University, WeCanDance, Witlov, Willem Hiele, Wouter Keersmakers, Yannick Van Aeken, …
Book our services
Contact us for some eatmosphere
Farmers’ knowledge on your plate
It is healthy and as simple as hello
Circular design & storytelling
Something magical happens
Eat better, waste less
Start with the basics
No sense remains untouched
be a front-row witness
Fer mentors

Sang Hoon Degeimbre
Nicolas Decloedt
Yannick Van Aeken

Steven Desair
Finalist Brussels Urban Food 2025 / Brussels Creativity Call
Finalist Food Waste Awards 2017 / Foodwin
Culinary Innovator Sustainability 2018 / Gault & Millau
Long list Ethical Thinking / World restaurant awards
steven@eatmosphere.be / 0032 498 80 37 68
Breeschstraat 42, 1020 Laken, Belgium